#3 Recording Diversity -- September 23rd 2021

Group Discussion of ‘The Act of Killing’ (2012) 15 mins
Group presentation of works in which you are influenced by

Methods of testimonial practices (presentation of Lawrence Abu Hamdan (visuals + courtroom) Chantal Akerman (letters + testimony) Agnes Varda (observational + storytelling)

Group discussion of Svetlana Alexievich + Oriana Fallaci

Exercises in pairs: interview, how to bring more from your interviewees.

"The Act of Killing"
-world views clashes
-afraid of own guilt
-how ideas are shaped, why violences happen
-Joshua started as documentary in farms where ppl where dying out of cancer because of toxic pesticides--> why not unonizing--> because of what happened in 60s'
-killers/gangsters were excited to participate
-use of Hollywood films to inspire them on how to kill

How to approach a subject?

-how we bring out different stories/different perspectives --> what happens wher you are not allowed to recognise an historical event.

Works that inspire us:

1) Tracy Emin : controversial works " --> confessional art & forensic evidence
--> not meant to be an artwork
2) MacGuffin Magazine : object that is necessary but in itself obj is irrelevant: 1 issue out of a different object ex. drawer
Fascination : projects are like portraits that show hidden levels
3) "Drama Girl" : documentary --> reenactment of the actor's life--> experiment to see reaction on reenactment of life
exhibitionism vs. privacy


Censorship installation consisting of various poems

Imperial courts project

She wasnt from there but was still able to intergrate all the residents
Lots of different aspects: photo, video, audio to show the same topic
Kept returning to keep the project going
Likes the selection of medium. When talking about trauma she usually uses stills in combination with audio to make it less emotional for the subject

Melanie Bonajo

A bizarre person which you can see in the video; how to become an elf in 12 steps.
Fiction combined with reality
'Humans are going into a new phase'
Very related to powerplay as she is always trying to rearrange and analyse power structures

In Limbo Embassy : found a way to make portraits
use of space to start to make actions

Moonriders : children tv series , collaborate with kids to create artwork for public space

Dries Ver Hoeven : combines art and theatre "You are Here" 2007
Installation of Hotel Room
-->about feeling alone but been surrounded by people, strangers becoming threat(covid times)

-real events that happened
1)journalistic comic
2)Movie --> about rape , cathartic for women who suffered that
artist : Jasmila Zbanic , also made a collective to help people
3)Zabranjeno Pusenje (1980-90) : tv show socio critical sketches on situation (ex. neighbours killing neighbours over minimal things) --> point out real problems in an exaggerated way

Seecum :
Rubber Coated Steel by Lauren Abu Hamdan : sounds of bullets that killed young boys, analyses sound waves to see speed of bullet
News From Home (1977) by Chantal Akerman : reading letters from her mother with images of NY in early morning
-> simple method to describe emotions of letters, depression of mother
->time, pace ,space can convene themes, emotions
Daguerréotypes by Agnès Varda (1976)
->street that was undergoing rapid gentrification
Tells story without imposing idea over it
Reveals life of people